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Trans People, Is There a Lack of Acceptance? by Jai Crespo

Trans People, is there a Lack of Acceptance?

As a trans person themself’s, specifically non-binary, Mildsauce Journalist Jai noticed a lack of Solidarity in the LGBTQ+ community regarding trans people despite the community reaching towards the same goal of acceptance. Was this only within a smaller subset from their experience or was this a more broad reality within the community as whole concerning trans people? If so, how exactly can this problem be fixed and why does it exist in the first place?

Many young people now, especially of color, identify with the queer community, so it is a very recent topic. However, gay people have always existed and it also includes older voices who couldn’t speak when they were younger. When looking at older gay rights movements, most of them were just for gay men and lesbian women, and not many of them covered trans people or rather, they were outwardly against trans people as a whole. When looking at modern day, they include trans people more often but is it ever covered enough? Explore the topic of Solidarity with trans people in the LGBTQ+ community with Mildsauce Journalist Jai Crespo.

Meet Journalist Jai Crespo

Mildsauce Journalist Jai Crespo
Next: Solidarity: A Hitchhiker’s Guide to Chicago’s Activism by Toby Brogsdale
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