Have you ever wanted to express yourself with your own clothing? Every human being has the ability to be creative, even if it’s for problem solving or for an artistic reason, we all are capable of being creative. Art has a lot of definitions. It can be illustration, pottery, dance, but for some, it’s bringing self expression to their own sense of style. Fashion is a very underrated form or art. A way to show your true self and even using it as an escape from the world. Ever since fashion has started as a distraction for the wars, people and industries have been using art to impact people. As some have been inspired by it, they start creating it and call it a punk patch/ Diy. Basically a “do it yourself “ that started in 1950 and ever since it’s impacted artists to show their own skills and messages.Making something from scratch can be a little challenging but also can stand out in a crowd. Finding clothes that make you feel like your true self can be complicated and can leave a big impact on the people around you. Clothes have more meaning then just stripes or dots on them, they can be used to bring awareness to problems all around the world. Personally I’ve had lots of experiences with punk patches that are used for messages. It’s like what if your clothes can speak for you in tough situations? punk patches, destroying clothes and having tools to make your own clothing can have a big impact on society and has been used wonderfully on both protest and self expression! It’s not even clothes but your whole aesthetic can make people turn your way 2 times,The punk aesthetic was born to represent rebellious acts, as well as hispters.Humans have the ability to speak up about problems and if people don’t want to listen us as a society can make the see with our clothes and expressions. Our creative minds can make us be inspiring to others. They used their way of dressing to draw eyes onto problems, as I dive into the ways of expression and hand making your own clothes with Ryan, One of my closest friends who’ve i’ve done theater with and helped me express myself with my clothes, Hes a very creative person and has inspired others with his acting.Eden who is an expert in the punk aesthetic and loves to bring awareness to problems around the world, She uses pins to bring awareness to problems and keeps doing it since day one . I will be interviewing their experiences with self expression and making alters to their clothing to symbolize something about themselves. Along side this journey will also be producer and director of intrinsic schools theater program Max Well Peters,who is one of my closest teachers and has been a big inspiration in my journey of self discovery. Join me as I discuss and inform you ways of finding your voice in Clothing