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Can Struggles Make You Stronger?

Photo by Robert Stokoe from Pexels.
Join Jubriel as he listens to three intergenerational perspectives on struggles and growing up.

Take inventory of everything that’s happened in your life so far. Do you remember learning how to walk? Talk? Tie your shoes? These are just the learning milestones most people hit before the age of seven. But what about the stories of when we pass the terrible twos, the big tens, or the sweet sixteens?

Monserrath Benitez is 17 years old, and goes to Intrinsic schools. She started off as a really shy and awkward girl who struggled to meet and interact with new people. One could see the challenge of this being heightened, especially due to the pandemic and social distancing measures. But as Monserrath explains, she actually ended up “growing up” in the opposite direction.

Lily Chaparro, age 37, is currently a mother of three and married. But as a young adult, she suffered a major loss that changed the trajectory of her growth. She then had to pivot and adapt, to take care of her brothers while also taking on the responsibilities of being a young mother. How did facing hardships early in life impact Lily’s growth process? How does it affect her now?

Finally, we follow Elsa Chaparro who is 68 years old. She has taken care of 3 children and even an amazing grandson (😏) for many years. But growing up, she not only experienced obstacles and lost a lot of close people in her life, but simultaneously continued to grow as time moved forward and help those around her while passing her experiences down. How does she use her lessons in life when helping others?

Follow Jubriel Chapparo as he explores the notion that no matter how much of an age difference there is, we “grow up” over and over again across our lifetime.

Mildsauce invited four young journalists to reflect on the theme “Growing Up”. Click here to check out more stories in our Growing Up issue. For more podcasts, check out our Podcasts archive.

Next: Maturity In The Mirror
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