Solidarity Within Social Media by Brendan Atterberry and Sage Culver

    Meet the Journalist’s Mildsauce Journalist Brendan Atterberry Mildsauce Journalist Sage Culver

    Importance of Solidarity Within the Black Community by Lapassion Byndum

    Fred Hampton, a charismatic leader of the Black Panther Party, embodied the spirit of ...

    Achieve Together – Exploring Solidarity through Fitness by LuisAngel Vazquez

    This artistic exploration of community and solidarity is made by Luis Angel Vazquez. “My ...

    Solidarity: A Hitchhiker’s Guide to Chicago’s Activism by Toby Brogsdale

    In light of Gen Z’s growing investment into the political landscape, I, Toby Brogsdale, ...

    Trans People, Is There a Lack of Acceptance? by Jai Crespo

    As a trans person themself’s, specifically non-binary, Mildsauce Journalist Jai noticed a lack of ...

    Immersing in the Art of Fashion by Elisha Ali

    We dived into the multi-faceted process of making fashion pieces and performance art with ...

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