DOWNSIDE of Fast Fashion by Alexa Bermudez

    Fast fashion refers to the rapid production of inexpensive clothing to meet the latest trends. While it makes trendy clothing more accessible, it has significant negative impacts on society. Environmentally, fast fashion contributes to pollution, waste, and the depletion of natural resources due to the use of non-sustainable materials and harmful production processes. Socially, it often involves exploitative labor practices, with workers in developing countries facing poor working conditions and low wages. The culture of fast fashion also promotes overconsumption and disposability, leading to a cycle of buying and discarding clothes quickly, which further exacerbates environmental and social issues.

    In this short podcast, you will hear the opinions of fellow teenagers, as well as an educated, small business owner with their experiences with fast fashion.

    Meet Journalist Alexa Bermudez

    Mildsauce Journalist Alexa Bermudez


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